Motion Chair
Our Motion Chair combines the comfort and quality of a favorite armchair from home with a cherished patio glider. It is beautiful and comfortable yet supportive and safe, making it ideal for extended use. Its gentle gliding motion provides mild exercise and can help reduce agitation.
The Furnished Living Motion Chair automatically locks into place as the person stands. The unique locking mechanism is activated as the user pushes down on the chair’s arms when rising. The stable base helps reduce falls.
As seen in the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, New York City Model Room.
The chair’s arms are the optimal height and length to support both sitting and rising. The padded side wings provide a comfortable headrest but do not restrict peripheral view. The Motion Chair is the only glider available that automatically locks into place and looks like it belongs in your living room. Superior comfort and support will make the chair a favorite place to relax.
COM, the Motion Chair may be covered in the upholstery fabric of your choice.